Makeup Tips For Girls Who Wear Glasses


When you wear glasses it already draws attention to your face and your eyes, this is why your makeup should be clean, defined and perfect. Let me share with you some makeup tips and tricks that will make you beautiful, attractive and cute glasses wearer:

1. Don't skip the mascara: I've heard so many ninnies say “Mascara sticks to lenses! You can't wear mascara with glasses!” Well…yeah…if you don't let it dry first OR curl your lashes. Exercise some common sense here. Apply mascara, wait for it to dry. Put glasses on. Voila! Mascara really opens up the eyes. Don't skip it just because you wear glasses!

2. Curl your lashes: This goes without saying. Every woman with eyelashes should be doing this. Period. Non-negotiable. It's amazing how this one quick step will open up the eyes. And if you have stick-straight lashes, this will help keep them from poking your lenses.

3. Stay neutral: When you are an eyeglass wearer, you are super lucky because you can actually stay pretty neutral with your eye makeup. The reasoning behind this is that your bright colors won’t really be seen behind those fashionable eyeglasses.

4. Save bright bold colors for your lips: One of the top makeup tips for eyeglass wearers is to save those bright and bold colors for your lips! Want a pop of pink? Do it on your lips! What about some violet? Your lips! It’ll make all of the difference ladies!

5. Don't go too dark with your shadow: Wearing glasses can make eyes appear darker (and smaller depending on your prescription) than they really are. This doesn't mean you can't carefully apply a crease color, just make sure to keep it above the lid but below the brow bone and keep the color civilized…for example: taupe, light gray, soft brown, gold, etc.

6. Thin frames? Thin Eyeliner: The same goes for thin frames! If you have thinner frames, don’t be scared to thin out that eyeliner and go with light lines!

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